Visiting professor under the KATAMARAN POlish-KAZakh International Joint Master in Environmental Engineering project,“Modern engineering in water management”

We are looking for a specialist in a field of:


Ecosystem services, climate change and their consequences in water resources management


to conduct 60 hours of lectures and classes for the second-cycle students in the period from 27 February 2023 to 30 June 2023 as part of the following subjects:


  1. Climate change and consequences  – elective subject – 30 h
  2. Ecosystem services  – elective subject – 30h


at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, SGGW.


The main objectives of the project:


The project aims to improve the competitiveness of Kazakhstan and Poland in the field of engineering and water management education and science. In a situation of progressing climate change, graduates with knowledge of water issues in the agricultural landscape and protected areas (Poland) as well as in areas with drying reservoirs (Kazakhstan) are becoming sought-after experts all over the World. The planned activities are directed at:

  • expanding the knowledge of an integral approach to water management during the times of environmental threats and climate change,
  • sharing the experiences of both countries in the field through educating second-cycle students,
  • improving the competences of teaching staff and students.

The objectives of the project were determined on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the situation regarding the labour market conditions, educational strategies of the Ministry, the SGGW Strategy 2020, as well as the educational needs expressed by students and the interests of the project partner.


Description of the project’s task:


Conducting classes using traditional and distance learning methods and techniques. The subject of classes conducted by visiting professors should be directly related to the research and teaching experience of the visiting professor, and with the valid study program.

In particular, the program of both subjects is required to include references to the situation of water deficit and water management. These topics should be shown in a view of climate change and its consequences and with reference to ecosystem services as a soft method for water management in the event of water shortages. Teaching topics should refer to the problems occurring in all the world. with special emphasis on Euro-Asia problems. During the classes, the following issues should be taken into account:

Climate change and consequences:

  • The climate change system as one of the planet Earth internal systems. Interdependence, interaction, and co-operation of all systems within the planet Earth as a tool making the planet Earth existence as reality.
  • The climate change system as a maker, provider, holder and guardian of the living conditions within the Biosphere of the planet Earth. Analysis of the Nature from requisitely holistic systemic viewpoint which opening new horizons for better tomorrow of humanity.
  • Climate change and consequences, phenomenon, and theories related to modelling processes.
  • Theoretical concepts supported with climate change models.
  • Climate Change-Evidence, Causes, and Consequences, Climate Change and Land, Soil Degradation.

Ecosystem services:

  • The course should be design to provide students with broad interdisciplinary knowledge of (1) to improve understanding of the dynamics, benefits and social and economic values of ecosystem services, (2) to provide insight in the consequences of policies and management for ecosystem services with special attention on sustainability issues, (3) to integrate the fragmented knowledge on ecosystem services, synergies and trade-offs, currently found in a wide field of specialist disciplines and journals. (4) to support and promote a dialogue between science and policy, providing empirical evidence to decision makers in the field of ecosystem services assessment and valuation and support its mainstreaming into economic and land-use management policies.
  • The course should include interdisciplinary research as developed under the approaches of, for example, urban forestry, arboriculture, urban greening, urban ecology, urban health, urban agriculture, urban horticulture, urban silviculture, and community forestry.




conducting of 60 teaching classes


Skills and experience:

the title of professor or university professor position at home University


Application Details:

Deadline for submitting documentation: 26 February 2023


Documents required: CV, cover letter, declaration of citizenship status (other than Polish), certified photocopy of a document confirming holding the academic title of professor or employment as a professor at another university, the most important scientific achievements, including a list of recent publications. Documents in digital form should be sent to the following address:

dr hab. Jarosław Chormański, prof. SGGW (jaroslaw_chormań

Duration: 27 February 2023 – 30 June 2023

PLN 348 for conducting one class, in total: PLN 20,880

Contact: dr hab. Jarosław Chormański, prof. SGGW (jaroslaw_chormań


Additional information:

We reserve the right to answer selected applications only.





10-02-2023 09:03
Krzysztof Szwejk