One Ph.D. Student position is available at the Laboratories of Biochemistry, Institute of Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (Warsaw, Poland).
You will work on an exciting and challenging project focusing on “Functional and structural studies of cyanobacterial biomineralization and its global impact”. The project is funded by the National Science Centre within the framework program Sonata 18 and led by Dr. Domenica Farci, Ph.D.
As a Ph.D. Student, you will be responsible for growing cell cultures that will then be used for biomineralization experiments in vivo and in vitro. You will isolate proteins, assay their quality and characterize them both functionally and structurally. Research activities will be performed in collaboration with the other team members and their research network. The candidate will be required to perform data analysis and literature search, participate in lab meetings, attend national and international conferences, as well as write publications including the final Ph.D. thesis.
We offer:
- Full-time Ph.D. Student position for 36 months;
- Fellowship of 5000 PLN/month (tax-free);
- A series of dedicated training courses on subjects related to the project;
- The possibility for short research visits to institutions involved with the project.
Requirements for the candidates:
- Sc. degree in biology, biochemistry, biophysics, or related fields;
- Solid knowledge of the principles of molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics;
- Basic knowledge of photobiology and, in particular, photosynthesis;
- Basic knowledge of membranes biology and, in particular, of bacterial cell envelopes, and membrane proteins;
- Laboratory experience in at least one of the following subjects: cyanobacterial cultures, cell envelope isolation, protein isolation, and characterization (e.g., protein chromatography, electrophoresis in native and denaturing conditions, protein chromatography, mass spectrometry, in vivo assays, and in vitro assays);
- Experience in electron microscopy and/or X-ray crystallography will be an advantage;
- Proficiency in written and spoken English;
- Excellent ability to work in a team, interpersonal skills, and initiative (proactivity is a must!);
- The ability to organize work autonomously, rationally, and independently;
- The ability to prepare, organize and store the relative experimental documentation.
Required documents:
- Motivation letter with a description of the candidate’s research interests;
- Curriculum vitae including a list of awards, papers, attended conferences, trainings;
- Transcript and degree certificates (for both bachelor and master studies);
- At least two academic contacts you have worked with;
- At least two recommendation letters to be directly sent by academic contacts to Dr. Domenica Farci, Ph.D.,;
- Consent to the processing of personal data, in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
The application should be addressed to: Dr. Domenica Farci, Ph.D., Please, use “PhD Recruitment” as subject of your email.
Application deadline: 19 July 2023
Selected candidates will be invited for an online interview.
Candidates will be selected according to the procedure complying with the rules for granting scholarships for young scientists in research projects funded by the National Science Centre (NCN Council Resolution No. 25/2019 dated March 14, 2019 r.).
Important: All applications must contain the following statement to allow us to process your data:
“I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed for the purposed of recruitment under the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U. 2002 no. 101, item 926 with subs. changes).” You could add this sentence at the end of your CV.