Institute: Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Position: PhD student in Preludium-Bis grant no. 2020/39/O/NZ6/03252 titled “Cysteine cathepsins in regulation of a poxvirus infection, with the particular emphasis on their effect on dendritic cell functions in vivo”
Requirements for the candidate:
- Master’s degree in biological/medical/veterinary/biotechnological sciences
- Knowing of the following skills would be appreciated:
- molecular biology techniques, e.g. RT-PCR, Western blot
- multicolor flow cytometry
- fluorescence and/or confocal microscopy
- primary and established cell culture
- Experience in working with animals will be an added advantage
- Availability and full-time commitment
- ability to work individually and in a team
- readiness to complete a three-month internship abroad in a renowned, leading research center
- very good knowledge of English, enabling writing scientific publications and presenting results at international scientific conferences
Description of tasks:
- conducting experiments and elaborating the results
- preparation of reports and scientific publications
- participation in international conferences
- completion of a three-month internship at a research center
Conditions of employment:
The successful candidate:
- will be admitted to the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW and will obtain the rights of a doctoral student
- will receive a doctoral scholarship for 48 months from the PRELUDIUM-BIS grant
- the doctoral scholarship is: 5 000 PLN/month (net) and 6 000 PLN/month (net) (after a positive mid-term evaluation)
- place of work – Department of Preclinical Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Required documents:
– CV
– Motivation letter
– Copy of MSc degree diploma
Deadline for applications: July 31st 2023 11:59 pm
Application form: email:
Project description:
The aim of the project is to investigate the role of cysteine cathepsins, i.e. cathepsins B, L and S, in the regulation of orthopoxvirus infection. In particular, the project will concern: 1) determining the regulation and activity of individual cathepsins and cystatins (cathepsin inhibitors) during infection with ECTV (virus-natural host model) and VACV (virus-unnatural host model) in sensitive and resistant mice, in particular in DC; 2) determining whether and how cathepsins affect the development of infection and regulate DC functions in the course of infection with poxviruses. The obtained research results will allow to understand the role of cathepsins in promoting/reducing viral infection and stimulating antiviral immune response. A better understanding of the interactions of poxviruses with host immune cells may contribute to the improvement of poxviral vectors used in the fight against infectious and cancer diseases (e.g. vaccinia virus is used as a replicative vector in cancer therapy).
Please attach the following statement:
„I consent to the processing of my personal data by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in order to participate in recruitment processes, in accordance with the Act of 10/05/2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018 item 1000).”
Information clause:
Please be advised that all personal data that will be provided by you in the recruitment procedure conducted for the abovementioned position by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (hereinafter referred to as SGGW) will be processed by WULS-SGGW in order to carry out the above-mentioned recruitment procedure in accordance with Art. 6 par. 1 lit. a) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on protection data), hereinafter referred to as RODO. The administrator of Personal Data is the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw, with headquarters at ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warsaw. Personal data will be stored until the end of the recruitment procedure conducted by WULS-SGGW. In WULS-SGGW, there is the Data Protection Supervisor who supervises the correctness of personal data processing, which can be contacted via the e-mail address: In accordance with the provisions of the RODO, we would like to inform you that you have the right from WULS-SGGW as the Administrator of Personal Data to access your data, correct it, transfer and delete it, and limit the processing of data and filing a complaint to the supervisory body. Please be advised that we will only respond to selected offers. We reserve the right to end the competition earlier or leave the competition without resolving.